Hello there:
Unbaptized: Good point about people thinking John the baptizer as being mad...(Jesus as well).. Also David's anointing not being knowledge to all.. Reminds me of this script:
Rev. 2:17.......And upon the pebble a new name written which no one know except the one receiving it.
Also liked you point about Joseph, and his dreams corresponding to the anointed being told by God that they are anointed.. But, if we recall, his dream really made alot of people angry, even his father Jacob. The witnesses think that ANY communication, in any way from God is DEMONISM>
Greendawn...I don't know where those elders get off., telling me I definately wasn't anointed.. Geez, I was full time pioneering, and that still didn't get me any points with them. To me, the GB at this time...is totally unspirited. That being said, it's hard to imagine a spirited person, running such an unspirited borg.
Also, Excel: You said:
Should the person develope uncertainty regarding their status before God, Jesus words can set the person straight when he said
"You did not choose me, but I choose You..." John 15:16
This is very beautiful, as I looked it up and the surrounding verses.